Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Powerful and Meaningful Quotes from Chapters 3 and 4

"To fashion a dynamic and positive classroom is to contribute in real ways to a more dynamic and positive world" (Tomlinson, 2003, p.26).

Today's children are growing up in a world filled with so many more influential factors than ever before. There are both negative and positive factors. As children grow, they become more and more conscious of the influence they will or want to have in the world. They want to succeed and they want to be a positive and affective impact in their own lives and in the lives of others. Where do they develop this desire to contribute to the world? The answer is, school. School is the initial and one of the most important components of a child's life that will help them to become successful contributors to society. Where does their desire grow within the school? The classroom. Teachers have a tremendous and significant responsibility to create a classroom where children can learn in a positive environment. Often we do not realize the impact that the classroom atmosphere and environment has on a child. As a child spends his/her time in a encouraging and empowering classroom, they will understand the value of a being positive in all aspects of life. As teachers create an inviting, intriguing, and inspiring classroom, they are contributing to a more inspiring and dynamic world because they are able to teach their students values that are not only important in school, but in the world and in life. Teachers and the classroom have the ability to impact the students in so many ways.

"To know you, I must find many ways to listen to you and to learn about you" (Tomlinson, 2003, p.29).

Wow, what a powerful and inspiring quote. I feel that often, too many teachers do not take the time to really listen to their students. Student are not all the same. Each and every child has a unique identity and teachers need to find and strengthen that identity in every child. This relates closely to the concept that each student has their own learning style. If the teacher only teaches to one learning style, then most if not all the students will not successfully learn what is being taught. Teachers seek to know their students in different ways. Many, for the sake of time, get to know them in only one way, often just at the whole class. Students need to be known individually, not as a whole. A teacher may not completely know or understand a child if all they focus on is one specific attribute of that child. We as teachers need to and must look at all the attributes that make each child who they are. We can do this by really truly listening to every student in our class. This may require us to find multiple ways of teaching them, talking with them, learning from them, etc. As we do this, we will come to know each child in our class as an individual who can contribute to the class in their own unique and special way.

"I cannot accord you dignity unless I make you my partner in creating a classroom that mirrors the world we both want to live in" (Tomlinson, 2003, p.29).

child deserves dignity. When the time is taken to look at what attributes the teacher and each student bring to learning, a powerful change takes place in the classroom. The students need to be partners with the teacher in the complete learning process. If successful and purposeful learning is to take place in the classroom, respect for EVERYONE needs to be present at all times. The classroom needs to be the teacher's as well as the student's. When this occurs, the classroom becomes a magical place and begins to "mirror the world" that both the teacher and students want to be a part of. A teacher must understand that each student has great potential and has many attributes that help in building the classroom community and will help in building a better world. Dignity is accorded to each child as the teacher invites them to be her/his partner and provides opportunities for them to contribute to the classroom in positive and powerful

1 comment:

  1. If that world they mirror is one where they feel respect and power they will be empowered to make a difference in the world.
